Cemetery search

A Unique Digital Cemetery Project

This database is dedicated to preserving the legacy of San Cassiano di Controne and is intended to serve as a valuable resource for those tracing family roots in this historic village. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive register containing over 900 names from more than 450 graves, allowing you to locate the resting places of ancestors and relatives who shaped this community.

How to use this site

Begin your search using the database below, where you can explore specific names or navigate by cemetery section. The included map provides a guide to each area, helping you locate graves within San Cassiano di Controne. For a visual journey, our gallery showcases a selection of cemetery images. (Note: Full access to the complete set of images is available to premium members.)

About the photos

Each photo folder includes an image of the grave, close-ups of any inscriptions, and where available, photos of the deceased. Some gravesites are in hard-to-reach areas, and we’ve done our best to capture each one with respect and clarity. However, the best way to experience these graves and honor those laid to rest is through a personal visit.

What you can find in the cemetery register

Search the register for name, year, or cemetery location and relevant matches. In some instances, there may also be a comment accompanying the grave (e.g., “Surname missing, but likely Fabbri based on the other names on the gravestones”, “Difficult to reach”, or “Registered as 84 y at the time of death in 1916”, etc.). As of December 2024, there are 905 names registered over more than 450 graves. Clicking on the button “Images” will open a new tab and take you to an external folder with the photos of the grave (see below). Note: Only the year of birth and death, or sometimes only the year of death, are transcribed to the register. Most gravestones will show the accurate day(s) of birth and death – these can be accessed by reviewing the photos of the gravestones.

Below: Example of a grave registration. You will always be able to find a photo of the full grave (note: some graves are difficult to reach, and the picture can rarely be taken from a straight angle!) and the headstone with the inscriptions displayed as clearly possible. If available, close-up photos of the portrait(s) on the grave will also be available.

Using the cemetery map

Using the Cemetery Map

The cemetery map provided here is a guide created to help locate graves efficiently within the San Cassiano di Controne cemetery. The map is designed to accompany our photography project and may differ from any official layouts.

  • Sections: The cemetery is divided into EastWest, and Mausoleum sections.
  • Grave Numbering: Each section is arranged in rows, and graves within each row are numbered sequentially.

If you’re looking for a grave in a specific section and row, start at the beginning of the row as indicated by the white arrow on the map. The arrow points in the direction from which grave numbers increase, so begin your count from that end. For example, if the table shows a grave on Row 12 of the East section, identify the East side (green) and row and start from the end marked by the arrow and count along the row to find the correct grave.

You must have a membership (€10) to access this content. To get full access, please register by clicking the button below. All membership fees go directly to maintaining website hosting services and access to historical databases and archives behind paywalls to continue our work. Thank you!